龍谷大学 理工学部 数理情報学科
Last modified: Mon May 17 14:57:56 2004
高橋隆史 栗田多喜夫 池田幸史
電子情報通信学会和文論文誌D-II vol.J87-D-II no.5 pp.1162-1169, 2004
Takio KURITA and Takashi TAKAHASHI,
``Viewpoint Independent Face Recognition by Competition of the Viewpoint Dependent Classifiers''
Neurocomputing, no.51, pp.181--195, 2003.
H. You, T. Takahashi,
Y. Hasegawa, and R. Tokunaga,
``Improving LIFS Image Coding via Extended Condensations,''
Systems and Computers in Japan, vol.30, no.5, pp.1--8, 1999.
ユ ヒョンベ 高橋隆史 河野裕之 徳永隆治
電子情報通信学会和文論文誌D-II vol.J81-D-II no.12 pp.2731-2737, 1998
ユ ヒョンベ 高橋隆史 長谷川友紀 徳永隆治
電子情報通信学会和文論文誌D-II vol.J81-D-II no.7 pp.1576-1583, 1998
フラクタル画像符号化法の主流となっているLIFS符号化法は,多様な観点から改良されているが,未だJPEG等の従来方式と比して十分な優位性を発揮していない.本論文では,新たな概念による局所変換として拡張コンデンセーション変換を導入し,井田による平均値分離型LIFS符号化法の符号化性能を改善する.これによって,高圧縮率においてはJPEGを越える画品質が得られることを 報告する.
高橋隆史 徳永隆治
電子情報通信学会和文論文誌 vol.J81-D-II no.4 pp.778-780, 1998
高橋隆史 徳永隆治
電子情報通信学会和文論文誌 vol.J80-D-II no.9 pp.2532-2540, 1997
多層パーセプトロンの学習理論とその応用において,結合や素子の冗長性が, 汎化能力の低下を引き起こし,内部表現を不明確にしてその解析を困難にすることが知られている.本論文では,出力計算に用いる中間層素子数の異なる誤 差関数を複数個加算した簡明なエネルギー関数(重畳エネルギー関数)を検討し,このエネルギー関数を用いた学習によって冗長性の低いパーセプトロンが構成され,中間層素子が寄与順に並んだ明確な内部表現が得られることを提示する.さらに,汎化能力改善における有効性について論議する.
高橋隆史 徳永隆治 平井有三
「KL変換を実現する3層線形パーセプトロンの教師付き学習則 -- Baldi-Hornikの定理の拡張 -- 」
電子情報通信学会和文論文誌 vol.J80-D-II no.5 pp.1267-1275, 1997
T. Takahashi and Y. Hirai,
``Self-organization of spatio-temporal visual receptive fields,''
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol.E79-D, no.7,
pp.980--989, 1996.
A self-organizing neural network model of spatio-temporal visual receptive fields is proposed. It consists of a one-layer linear learning network with multiple temporal input channels, and each temporal channel has different impulse response. Every weight of the learning network is modified according to a Hebb-type learning algorithm proposed by Sanger. It is shown by simulation studies that various types of spatio-temporal receptive fields are self-organized by the network with random noise inputs. Some of them have similar response characteristics to X- and Y-type cells found in mammalian retina. The properties of receptive fields obtained by the network are analyzed theoretically. It is shown that only circularly symmetric receptive fields change their spatio-temporal characteristics depending on the bias of inputs. In particular, when the inputs are non-zero mean, the temporal properties of center-surround type receptive fields become heterogeneous and alter depending on the positions in the receptive fields.
``A subspace-based face detection method using image-size reduction and magnification''
In Proc. of International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 9th), Beppu, Oita, vol.1, pp.269--270, 2004
T. Kurita, M. Pic, and T. TAKAHASHI
``Recognition and detection of occluded faces by a neural network classifier with recursive data reconstruction''
In Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS2003), Miami, Florida, 21-22 July, pp.53-58, 2003.
Takashi TAKAHASHI and Takio KURITA
``Robust De-Noising by Kernel PCA''
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks(ICANN2002),
In Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN2002, Springer,
pp. 739-744, 2002
Recently, kernel Principal Component Analysis is becoming a popular technique for feature extraction. It enables us to extract nonlinear features and therefore performs as a powerful preprocessing step for classification. There is one drawback, however, that extracted feature components are sensitive to outliers contained in data. This is a characteristic common to all PCA-based techniques. In this paper, we propose a method which is able to remove outliers in data vectors and replace them with the estimated values via kernel PCA. By repeating this process several times, we can get the feature components less affected with outliers. We apply this method to a set of face image data and confirm its validity for a recognition task.
Takio KURITA, Takashi TAKAHASHI and Yukifumi IKEDA,
``A Neural Network Classifier for Occluded Images''
Proc. of International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2002)
vol.III, pp.45-48, 2002
This paper proposes a neural network classifier which can automatically detect the occluded regions in the given image and replace that regions with the estimated values. An auto-associative memory is used to detect outliers such as pixels in the occluded regions. Certainties of each pixels are estimated by comparing the input pixels with the outputs of the auto-associative memory. The input values to the associative memory are replaced with the new values which are defined depending on the certainties. By repeating this process, we can get an image in which the pixel values of the occluded regions are replaced with the estimates. The proposed classifier is designed by integrating this associative memory with a simple classifier.
Kenji NISHIDA, Takashi TAKAHASHI and Takio KURITA,
``A Topographic Kernel-based Regression Method''
International Conference on Computational Intelligence and
Neuroscience(ICCIN2002), 2002
This paper proposes a topographic kernel-based regression method in which kernel bases are self-organized by the Kohonen's Self-Organizing Feature Map (SOM). By the clustering of the training samples using SOM, the number of kernel bases is restricted to the specified small value. It is also expected that the generalization ability of the network is improved by introducing the neighboring relations between the kernel bases. We also employ a top-down learning to modify the location of the bases to minimize the mean squared error because the location of the bases self-organized by SOM are not supposed to be optimum for the given regression task. Experimental results shows that the location of the kernel bases is automatically self-organized depending on both the local densities of the training samples and the local complexities of the target function.
Takashi TAKAHASHI, Toshio TANAKA, Kenji NISHIDA and Takio KURITA,
``Self-Organization of Place Cells and Reward-Based Navigation for a Mobile Robot,''
Proc. International Conference on Neural Information Processing(ICONIP2001), paper ID #251, 2001
We investigate a method to navigate a mobile robot by using self-organizing map and reinforcement learning. Modeling hippocampal place cells, the map consists of units activated at specified locations in an environment. In order to adapt the map to a real-world environment, preferred locations of these units are self-organized by Kohonen's algorithm using the robot's actual position data. Then an actor-critic network is provided the position information from the self-organized map and trained to acquire goal-directed behavior of the robot. It is shown by simulation that the network successfully achieves the navigation avoiding obstacles.
Takashi TAKAHASHI and Takio KURITA,
``A self-organizing model of feature columns and face responsive neurons in the temporal cortex,''
Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks(IJCNN 2001),
pp. 82-87, 2001
We investigate a self-organizing network model to account for the computational property of the inferotemporal cortex. The network can learn sparse codes for given data with organizing their topographic mapping. Simulation experiments are performed using real face images composed of different individuals at different viewing directions, and the results show that the network evolves the information representation which is consistent with some physiological findings. By analizing the characteristics of the neuron activities, it is also demonstrated that the present model self-organizes the efficient representation for coding both of the global structure and the finer information of the face images.
This paper proposes a viewpoint invariant face recognition method in which several viewpoint dependent classifiers are combined by a gating network. The gating network is designed as autoencoder with competitive hidden units. The viewpoint dependent representations of faces can be obtained by this autoencoder from many faces with different views. Multinomial logit model is used for the viewpoint dependent classifiers. By combining the classifiers with the gating network, the network can be self-organized such that one of the classifiers is selected depending on the viewpoint of a given input face image. Experimental results of view invariant face recognition are shown using the face images captured from different viewpoints.
We investigate methods to reconstruct the optical flow generated by camera rotation using autoassociative learning. A multi-layer perceptron is trained to reduce the dimensionality of flow data which are obtained from real image sequences while the camera is rotating against static scenes. After this learning, the perceptron is able to produce reconstructions of the flow removing the noises in the original flow data. It is also shown that robustness of reconstruction for noisy data is improved by two changes: introduction of confidence values of optical flow into the error function and application of an additional data correction method.
We investigate an energy function for MLP called superposed energy. Applying to autoassociative learning of a sandglass-type MLP, it can adaptively adjust the effective number of the bottleneck-layer units to the intrinsic dimensionality of nonlinear data, and the optimal dimensionality reduced representation can be extracted after learning.
This paper investigates two simple energy functions which are valid for two different purposes of dimensionality reduction: feature extraction and data compression. These energy functions enable nonlinear perceptrons to organize data representations whose parameters, namely, outputs of the bottleneck layer units, are arranged in the order of their importance. The efficacy of these energy functions is shown by numerical experiments in comparison with conventional squared error functions and Principal Component Analysis.
This paper reports a simple energy function, called ``superposed energy,'' which removes the redundancy of a perceptron by organizing its internal representation in the order of the contribution of hidden units. In the case of self-supervised learning of a three-layer linear perceptron, we show that each hidden unit activity exactly corresponds to the principal component of training data. We also investigate its validity for the learning of nonlinear perceptrons. Applying it to data compression and function approximation, it is shown that superposed energy removes the redundancy of internal representation and improves the generalization performance.
A model of self-organizing spatio-temporal receptive fields is proposed. It consists of a one-layer feed forward network with multiple delay channels. Every weight of the network is modified according to Hebb-type learning algorithm proposed by Sanger. The network is trained with random Gaussian noise inputs with nonzero mean. It is shown that a variety of spatio-temporal receptive fields are acquired by this network. Some of them have similar properties to visual neurons found in mammalian retina, especially to X- and Y-type ganglion cells.
栗田多喜夫 高橋隆史 池田幸史 三島健稔
電気学会 情報処理/産業システム情報化合同研究会 (2001)
高橋隆史 池田幸史 三島健稔 栗田多喜夫
日本神経回路学会 第11回全国大会講演論文集 pp.163,164(2001)
西田健次 高橋隆史 栗田多喜夫
日本神経回路学会 第11回全国大会講演論文集 pp.36,37(2001)
田中敏雄 西田健次 高橋隆史 栗田多喜夫
日本神経回路学会 第11回全国大会講演論文集 pp.117,118(2001)
駅のプラットフォーム上で列車の進入・停止の状況を把握する行為を 支援することを目標として、ヘッドマウントカメラからの画像を用いて運動物 体の検出を行うシステムについて検討する。オプティカルフローに含まれるカ メラ自身の運動による動き成分を推定するためにニューラルネットワークの恒 等写像学習を利用する方法を述べ、フローの確からしさの情報を用いた学習と 誤差の大きなデータを修正する手法を組み合わせることで、ロバストな推定が 可能となることを示す。
オプティカルフローに対して多層パーセプトロンの恒等写像学習によ る次元圧縮を適用し、カメラ自身の回転によって生じるフロー成分を推定する 方法を検討する。重み付きの誤差に基づく学習と誤差の大きな例外値を除去し データを修正する方法を併用することによって、大きなノイズを含むデータに 対してもロバストな推定ができることを示す。
transparencies for presentationIn order to perform efficient dimensionality reduction by multi-layer perceptron, it is crucial to select the appropriate number of units in the bottleneck-layer. In this paper, we report a simple energy function, called ``superposed energy,'' is successfully applicable to nonlinear dimensionality reduction by autoassociative learning to estimate the intrinsic dimensionality of nonlinear data.
砂時計型多層パーセプトロン(MLP)の恒等写像学習を応用した非線形主 成分分析においては、ボトルネックとなる中間層の素子数を適切に選択するこ とが重要である。この問題に対する一つのアプローチとして、筆者らはこれま でに、中間層素子が寄与順に並んだ内部表現を自己組織する重畳エネルギー関 数を提案し、これを用いたMLPでは学習後に任意の素子数のデータ表現を抽出 可能となることを示している。本論文では、この重畳エネルギー関数を用いた MLPの中間層素子数選択のための指標として、平岡・吉澤によって提案された 統計基準を適用した結果を報告する。